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  • Writer's picturePsychic Kalicia


Needy Ain’t Cute “When a person goes into a relationship emotionally needy, they are not going to have discernment in choosing people.

When you are not happy with who you are it is easy to become dependent upon a man for your happiness. You must develop inner happiness first before you can develop outer happiness. If you do not develop your own happiness you will easily become too attached to men. You will look to the men in your life to fulfill the void that is missing. That void is self-love. Without self-love, you cannot live a fulfilling, happy, and joyous life. This is where neediness comes into play. A needy woman is a woman that's grasping for love outside of herself that she hasn't developed within herself. When you become needy you put too much emotional pressure on men and this causes them to want to back away from you. After all, how would you feel if someone else's entire source of happiness was you? It is not a good feeling.

Men are attracted to women who are happy, not women who are desperately seeking for someone to fill a void in their life. Here are some ways you can regain your inner happiness: • Develop self-love and self-confidence. Begin to do things that make you feel vibrant: healthy diet, exercise, walks in nature, and whatever else makes you feel good. Begin to appreciate who you are as a person and all that you have to offer this world. Love yourself for who you are, flaws and all, but always be open to improvement.

Develop boundaries and standards. Boundaries that you do not have will always be crossed. Learn to trust your intuition. Boundaries are established from your intuition. Standards are established based on your personal values. Once you have established boundaries and standards you will become a more confident and attractive woman. Find your passion. A passionate woman has a full life. It is fun and motivating. When you have found your passion, you exude inner joy. When you are full of genuine joy you are not in a place of neediness. You are in a profound state of self-love. As you enjoy life, you will see that you already have everything you need in order to be happy. This will cause you not to be needy.

Work on your femininity. You become needy when you feel that your needs are not getting met. When you grow into a more feminine woman you will learn to trust your feelings. When you trust your feelings, you will remove yourself from any situation that is not meeting your needs. Being needy is a major turnoff to men. Being needy lets a man know that he is the most important thing in your life. It lets him know that you do not have any options. It also feels like you are trying to pressure him into something that he isn't ready for. The attraction he has for you will start to dwindle. He will start to pull away and if you do not become self-aware you can find yourself being even more needy. Then the cycle will begin: his pulling away will cause your neediness, then your neediness will cause him to pull away until he pulls all the way away from you and leaves. Learn to cultivate your own life and passions so that you are fulfilled from the inside out.

Another way to avoid neediness is to stay realistic during your interactions with him. You stay realistic by mirroring him. When you are dating, mirroring looks like maintaining the same level of investment as him. If he only sees you once a week it means that he probably isn't ready to be in an exclusive situation. If he has not introduced you to anyone you, should not be thinking about introducing him to anyone. If he has not initiated conversations about a future you stay in the present. You do not get ahead of him. The best way to mirror him is to always assume that he has a roster and since he has a roster you definitely should have a roster. Rosters will keep you grounded. Staying grounded means that you keep your energy around yourself. You do not let your emotions get to the point where you feel out of control. You do not blame or make anyone else responsible for your emotions. Keeping control of your emotions is how you avoid needy behavior. The best thing for you to do is to care less so that he will care more. Own your inner goddess, and realize that you are your own source of love and fulfillment and then get out there and live happily ever after with yourself.



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