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  • Writer's picturePsychic Kalicia

Your Soul Contract

Updated: Jul 11, 2021

These life lessons are the very tools that will provide you with the greatest transformational growth to raise your vibrational frequency. Before you entered this life, your soul in the unseen realms (its Higher Self form) made a decision as to the kind of life lessons you needed in order for your consciousness to evolve and expand into a higher level of awareness. The purpose of these life lessons is to enrich your experience in this lifetime, to enable personal growth, and transform the vibration of your soul. These series of life lessons are what we call your Soul Contract.

There is no time limit on completing each life lesson, and each life lesson will be repeated until the desired transformation is achieved. Sometimes this is why we experience the same challenge over and over again because we are not learning the true message from it. And so, the same problem will continue to arise until a change to the energy of your soul’s vibrational frequency has been attained, and this is usually done through an alteration to your perception of yourself and your life. You will know when you have completed a life lesson from your Soul Contract because you will begin to see the world differently and in a more positive light. Your soul will have elevated to a higher frequency.

If we believe that energy never dies and that our soul reincarnates from one life to the next, and that we carry forward the wisdom and knowledge from those previous lives, then running into the same soul from another lifetime is highly probable. Perhaps you have already experienced strange coincidences of recognizing people in this life that you’ve never met before. Or maybe you have unusual connections with a strong understanding of one another yet it doesn’t seem logical. In the same regard that we have our own personal Soul Contract, we also make promises to other souls to assist in their growth of evolution. We adhere to these promises through karmic debt. These experiences can hold both love and hate in them. These karmic debts can be paid off with one person or many. They can be experienced in the forms, such as in a romantic relationships that doesn’t work out, or through dysfunctional relationships with family members, or unfortunately, even violent acts from strangers. A karmic debt is when you have experienced a past life with someone with whom you acted wrongfully. As a result of that pain you incurred to another, their own profound growth was achieved, and in return, you too received a great lesson, but it may be likely that it is not until the next lifetime. We move through our lives experiencing harsh realities, difficult conversations, and painful endings, wondering why and how could life be so cruel. Yet, we need to remind ourselves that by moving through this pain our soul is able to evolve, for it builds the strength of personal development which is ultimately what we want to achieve in this life. To attain consistent growth we need to open ourselves up to challenges and uncomfortable new beginnings. This is the pathway of our Soul Contract.

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