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  • Writer's picturePsychic Kalicia

How to Heal

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Creating change in the world requires our history to be magnified; our leaders who we trusted need to be held accountable for their wrongful actions. All the darkness that the world has endured needs to be brought out into the light so that true healing may take place. Too many of us are still suffering in silence today. The leap of faith to honor ourselves and our life becomes wider. The beliefs of spiritual philosophy that our connection, unity, and love surpasses all becomes more difficult to comprehend, for there is no justice in the world without equality. We can heal the world by understanding about the disadvantages created as a result of history’s traumatic past and do everything in our power to make the wrongs in this world right.

1. How to Heal Acknowledge the experience. Accept your current situation by writing down your story through your journal. Express all your emotions and reactions as you document exactly what happened. (Go all back to child birth on things you need healing from that includes embarrassing moment)

2. Honor your emotions. Now that you have written down your emotions (created a tangible expression of this energy), it’s time to honor them. Give yourself permission to grieve, to cry, to shout, to scream. However feels right for you to let the energy go. We want to let the energy be released!

3. Forgive and send love to yourself. You acted the best you knew how to at the time. You need to forgive yourself, let go of the regret and shame that you carry. Remember that this experience will make you stronger. Promise yourself that you will learn from this mistake. Speak to yourself in the mirror and forgive yourself. Give love to yourself by choosing an act of love that makes you happy. Write yourself a love note or have a beautiful bath to give yourself that love.

4.Forgive and send love to the person who hurt you. If someone did something to cause you pain, remind yourself that they also acted from their level of conscious awareness. It doesn’t excuse their behavior, nor did you deserve it. Their actions enabled your soul to evolve and grow and with time, patience, and compassion, you will be in a place of understanding. To release the pain we need to forgive and let go. This is the only way to move forward.

5.Meditate to allow the energy to move through you. Use the energy healing techniques we explored earlier in the book to identify where this pain is, to release and cleanse it. Imagine beautiful nurturing vibrations coming from Mother Nature below, and the cosmos above. Visualize this energy cleansing your body and mind

6. Spend time with Mother Nature to replenish your energy. The simple act of spending time in nature will heal you. Go for a walk, sit in the park, do some gardening. Do something that connects you with the abundance of natural resources around you. Your energy will heal with or without your knowledge. To deepen your practice, remind yourself what each energy represents as you connect with it, say a prayer, or ask for its blessings as you allow its energy to move through you.

Trust that all is happening for a reason. What is to be gained from this experience? Journal through to find comfort within your intuition. There is always positive amidst the darkness, we just need to be patient to allow the light to shine through. Journal through your emotions and self-reflect to help discover the meaning behind the experience. The answers might not come through to you for a long time (even years!). But trust and believe that someday it will become apparent. All you can do is have faith. Move closer to positive vibrations in your life. Find what it is that makes you happy and do it every day. Write lists, fill your week with positive activities (making sure you leave time for fun activities on your own to connect with your soul). Start “doing,” get out of your mind, and move that energy. Express yourself and experiment with life.

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