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  • Writer's picturePsychic Kalicia

The Relationship is Over

At some point in our life we are faced with the destruction of a relationship. This relationship could be romantic or platonic. It could be the result of someone doing something wrong to us, or perhaps we have been the instigator of acting wrongfully ourselves. The actual event that led to the collapse of the relationship is not important, because if it wasn’t this particular circumstance, it would have been something else. It is the result of what that catalyst provided, the end of a relationship. But why did it end? Because the relationship was not in alignment with your Higher Self and to leave it would help the evolution of your soul. After we are able to move through the healing process we are able to reflect over the relationship from a place of peace and acceptance. From here, we can begin to understand with greater clarity the reasons why it ended so that we can learn what it is that our soul really wants. Take your time and be gentle in your healing, but know that like every challenge, this pain will pass through. Let yourself be the alchemist to transmute this pain into power.

Relationships come into our life to test the connection we have with ourselves. We are facing a mirror of what we need to heal within. And that mirror magnifies our own understanding of ourselves and the world around us. When you finally have the strength to look back upon the relationship ending as a positive experience, you will perhaps see the truth as to why it was not supporting your greater good. Sometimes when a relationship ends we worry that we’ll never feel the same way about someone again. We convince ourselves that the love we felt was so real and so damn beautiful that it’s better to love and feel pain than never to love at all. But when we let go of all these limiting beliefs and recognize that we are worthy of true love, and that we deserve all the things we’ve been dreaming about, the Universe will deliver it. Only this time you will feel love in a way that you’ve never dreamed possible. Your body will vibrate so high you had no idea such incredible vibrations could be reached. So don’t give in now. Don’t throw away your dream. Don’t settle for anything less than what you want. You move on as soon as you notice the red flags before real feelings develop.

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